Ling Lee


Ling Lee International Limited推介一系列天然護膚產品及天然材料製成的健康食品,並廣泛提倡天然護膚及養生之道。

Ling Lee International Limited provides a range of natural beauty products and health foods that aims to promote the philosophy of natural beauty and natural health.



The new set of visuals that come up with the textures of the plants in the natural, presents the health, organic and minimal of the brand. The design concept also evokes the idea of geometric form and basic elements of visual communication that depicts the brand’s philosophy — good deeds give rise to positive. This is the key fundamental to happiness that nourishes our skin and spirit.

The refreshed packaging in white references organic and natural beauty. The colourful palette of visual features youthful and radiant. The holistic look and feel of the new packaging are elegantly minimal, giving an intuitive function yet with an aesthetic touch.

Work at Tommy Li Design Workshop
Team ︎︎︎ Daniel Lam

Awards ︎︎︎ Golden Pin Design Award 2022