Chester Charles


Chester Charles是一個以Z世代為目標群組的新興時尚品牌。年青人喜歡穿出個人風格,利用時裝去界定自己的個性及品味。我們以年青人的個性––––自我、獨立、接軌、自我中心的元素,創作出一個不斷變化的標識系統。

Chester Charles is a newly developing fashion brand based in Hong Kong, that focuses on Generation Z as its target audience.

Young people tend to wear their own personal styles and define their personalities through fashion. The design concept came up with the individual characteristics of the young people — self, independence, integration and egocentric to form an ever-changing logotype system.


In the typography system, with the choice of using an anti-traditional font to cater to the millennial generations who love to break the traditions and act to be unique.

Work at Tommy Li Design Workshop
Team ︎︎︎ Daniel Lam